У Івано-Франківську в рамках програми «Івано-Франківськ – місто героїв» на фасаді ВХПТУ №3 відкрили анотаційну дошку старшому лейтенанту спецпідрозділу «Беркут» УМВС України Василю Семанюку, який загинув 2 червня 2014 року у зоні АТО на Донеччині.
On December 30, 2014 there was opened and sanctified an annotative board to our famous scientist, a public figure and a political prisoner Volodymyr Manyukh in Ivano-Frankivsk.
The annotative board is placed and opened in the framework of the city program “Ivano-Frankivsk – the city of heroes.” The relatives, friends and people who knew Volodymyr Manyukh were present at the opening ceremony of the board to the outstanding citizen of Ivano-Frankivsk.
An annotative board was opened to the former head of Ivano-Frankivsk Art School for Children Mykola Bilchuk. It was placed at the house where the painter lived almost all his life.
The famous Ukrainian painter, the director of
Ivano-Frankivsk Art School Mykola Bilchuk together with his family lived in
this house. The opening ceremony traditionally started with the Ukrainian
anthem. A native of Khmelnytskyi region he was the teacher of Art and later the
head of Ivano-Frankivsk State Children's Art School. Over the years of the
artist`s work he has fostered a galaxy of famous artists and architects.
On Saturday, October 18 there was opened an annotative board to the famous city poet and dissident Yaroslav Doroshenko in Ivano-Frankivsk. The memorial sign was placed near a century-old house in 27 Snizhna str. where Yaroslav spent the last years of his life.
Yaroslav Doroshenko was a member of the Union of Journalists; he published many collected volumes of poetry and headed the Regional Union of Writers. He wrote the lyrics for the song "My Ivano-Frankivsk" - a musical attribute of Stanislaviv. The current head of the Carpathian writers Eugene Baran mentioned at the opening ceremony of the board that the number of writers of the Union doubled during the period of Doroshenko`s work. He also helped young writers to get flats, to publish their books; he wrote prefaces, reviews and edited manuscripts. He was not afraid to give way to young writers.
Today, on October 14 - the Day of the Intercession of the Mother of God – there was opened an annotative plaque to Fotii Volodymyrskyi in Ivano-Frankivsk – a member of the UIA, a prisoner of concentration camps, the Chairman of the OUN-UIA Brotherhood of the Carpathian region. The plaque is placed at 46 Lepkyi Str. – the building of the office of the OUN-UIA Brotherhood of the Carpathian region.
On June 8 an annotative memorial plaque, initiated by the Head of the Svoboda party in Ivano-Frankivsk City Council Roman Onufriiv, was opened to Stepan Koval - the commander of the group “Kotlovyna” of the UIA, the political prisoner, the conductor of the people's amateur choir “Pervotsvit (the Primrose)” - at the District Culture House in Mykytyntsi. The memorial plaque is placed within the frameworks of the program “Ivano-Frankivsk – the city of heroes.”
22 квітня на фасаді будинку 9, що на вулиці Шашкевича встановили анотаційну дошку українському народному кулінару Дарії Цвєк.
15 лютого на фасаді корпусу № 3 центральної міської клінічної лікарні на вул. Гетьмана Мазепи, 114 відкрили анотаційну дошку доктору Коша УСС Костю Воєводці.
З інціативи секретаря Івано-Франківської міської ради Миколи Вітенка з метою вшанування пам'яті героїв міста та поширення інофрмації про їх діяльність виконавчий комітет прийняв рішення про встановлення чотирьох анотаційних дощок.
10 листопада в Івано-Франківську відкрили першу анотаційну дошку українським героям в рамках програми «Івано-Франківськ – місто героїв».