Dariia Tsvek
Dariia Tsvek was born on October 10, 1909 in Ternopil region and lived for 95 years. Dariia inherited active attitude to life from her parents. They provided their children with good education, and paid special attention to the daughters` education: they were taught proper housekeeping, cooking, entertaining guests and respecting the customs. As a schoolgirl Dariia began to note the recipes she heard from her family. Her father, Iakiv Markiewicz, was an inspector of the Ministry of Treasure in Warsaw; he often took his daughter with him to grand receptions. Mother of Dariia Tsvek was the chairwoman of the Union of Ukrainians, and tried to educate her children socially active and intelligent. As a result, the daughter showed enthusiasm through her life - playing the flute. Dariia successfully played in symphony orchestras. After graduating from high school she entered the teaching seminar of Ukrainian Pedagogical Society (1923-1927, "the Native School") in Kolomyia. Later she worked as a teacher: more than 35 years she taught biology at school and worked at the Station of Young Naturalists. Dariia got married, and then had children. Dariia Tsvek lived with her husband, who was a philologist, for 47 years. Many family friends remember him to be a sensitive and sensible man, who appreciated his family most of all.